Tired of Joint and Back Pain?

+ a FREE Gift Inside šŸŽ

Iā€™m gonna dive right into it and you might want to argue or you already know the truth but you just keep procrastinating it for some reason (this is what I did for too long)

The reason your joints and back hurts is because you do not stretch enough!

You either train a lot which leads to tightness in your muscles or you sit a lot, which guess what? Also leads to tightness in your muscles.

This extra tightness makes the range of movement of your joints less (your spine is also stuck together by joints) - this directly leads to the pain you experience.

It sucks - why do we just accept it to be this way when a simple 15 min full body stretch each day can end the pain so easily?

Well I know I absolutely hate stretching but itā€™s undeniable that we need it.

Donā€™t believe me? Do it every day for a week and you will already feel so much better, energised, younger and get better performance in all aspects of your daily life.

Kitten Stretching GIF

A quick summary of some other benefits of stretching: reduced stress - improved blood circulation - reduced risk of injury - relieves stress - improves posture.

As I mentioned, I hate stretching, luckily a few years back I came across the perfect YouTube video with an easy to follow a long 15 min full body stretch. Iā€™ll drop the link down below.

This is perfect and all you need to do if you train regularly or if you donā€™t do to much, but if you run Marathons you will need to do some more.

I personally train quite a lot and find this to be enough for me, I also believe in active rest - so on my rest days I will incorporate a 30min stretch (from the same creator as the other video that you can find at the end of this email)

Dog Yoga GIF

I almost forgot that I promised you a free gift in this emailā€¦

So essentially I use this awesome fitness tracker that tracks everything you can imagine and gives you scores and advice on what you need to do. Itā€™s super smart with all the metrics it tracks and then it can give you a ā€˜strainā€™ score and advise you to recover more for example.

Even Cristiano Ronaldo uses it - and I made a deal with WHOOP to give my readers 30 days for free, even including the device for free!

Thatā€™s how much me and the WHOOP company believes that this can drastically improve your life - that they will agree to send you this super advanced tech completely for free!

Click here to get to get yours and take control of your sleep, fitness and recovery today!

And here is that link I promised you for the stretching:

Please do it. I want you to feel great and I know thereā€™s to many people out there suffering with these unnecessary pains and tightness - just TAKE ACTION.

See you in the next email :)