Why should you be reading?

What no one tells you about the benefits of reading ...

We often hear statements like “Readers are leaders” and “All successful people are readers”. Teachers try to ingrain in us the importance of reading and we see it everywhere on social media but no one explains why it is so beneficial or how to find the books that will bring us our desired benefits.

I like to think of it like this: An author that is an expert in his field has spent at least 10-20 years acquiring his knowledge, then he carries this lifetime of knowledge over in a book.

On average if you read just 10 pages a day, it will translate to a book a month, twelve books in a year — 12 lifetime’s of knowledge that you can consume in a year by building a simple habit of reading 20min a day.

Imagine what type of person you will be after doing this for 5 years? Or 10 years?

Now obviously just reading won’t make you an expert in a field but it will definitely put you ahead of your peers. Not just in your field but in all aspects of life. From building good habits to forming healthy thought patterns.

Another key point few people take into consideration is that you HAVE to take action on what you learn. A lot of people think that simply reading is gonna improve their lives - but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

You need to implement the lessons you learn, experiment and test what works for you and what doesn’t. Then constantly and actively apply it to your daily life and thought processes.

You need to self analyse yourself and choose the correct books that align with your goals and the weaknesses you want to improve on.

This is exactly what we do in the Read2Rise BookClub, we vote on a book to read, set goals on how many pages we are gonna read and then we read and discuss the book together day by day. We are focussed on keeping each other accountable and taking action on what we learn đź’Ş 

So how do you find these books?

The simplest way to get started is by getting suggestions from social media book pages like mine. Find a book that sounds like it is regarding the topic you are interested in learning more or regarding improving certain aspects about yourself.

Then if you find one that interests you, simply do a quick Amazon search, my go to measure is that they should at least have 500 reviews and an average rating of 4.2 and above. That’s how I determine that I’m sure it will be worth my time.

Add them to an Amazon shopping list and when it comes time to order or you’re looking for books you wanted it will all be in one place 📖

That’s it. Keep your process simple. Start small, 10min a day, build a good habit and build a nice list of awesome books you wanna read 🙂

And never forget to take action!