Here’s why I’ve made a course

What I'm trying to save your from

It took me almost one year to get where I am today.

But more than 50% of that was spent picking up the crumbs of success.

And that’s because I made a ton of mistakes.

When I started I was completely inexperienced and had no one to guide me, thus sometimes I completely fucked up.

I was broke and in a foreign country.

no car
no money
and no house.

What I wanted was the freedom to buy groceries and clothes without having to count every penny.

So I was putting all of myself into this.

But seeing 0 results.

And that was because I didn’t know anything about content creation, I was completely guessing.

Many times I thought about giving up.

But I never did.

That’s because despite being exhausted and sometimes hopeless, I always had someone by my side to help me.

Having their support is what saved me.

And I’ll never thank them enough for it

But I know that many of you are alone in this journey.

Not as lucky as I was.

And I don’t want you to give up just because you have been given a bad hand to play with.

That’s the reason why I’ve created Creator University.

To prevent you from giving up.

Because the money you need, the free time you desire and the freedom you crave are closer than you think.

You just have to go and not stop.

And that’s a lot easier when you’re surrounded by people who support you.

Especially if some of them have already made it and can show you the path.

If you’re ready to start your content creation journey and be free…

I’m glad to help you and I hope you get as much value as possible out of this.
