Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset 🧠

Which one are you?

First let’s start off with a quick definition of growth vs fixed mindsets:

Simply put a growth mindset means you believe that you can change your attributes, things like intelligence and talent. And a fixed mindset is believing that what you have is permanent and cannot be changed.

Now I’ll show you through a story from my own life how important a growth mindset is and that anyone can develop one.

I like to believe I have always had a growth mindset but in retrospect I opened up my mindset a lot over the last 7 years.

Even tho I did have somewhat of a growth mindset I always played it to my strengths and had a lot of limiting beliefs.

These beliefs were broken a few years back when I started my medical journey. There were some particularly tough subjects to learn and my normal method of studying was just not cutting it.

I looked into more methods and the clear and obvious solution would be the Memory Palace technique. Only one problem: it required a lot of visualisation and creativity.

I basically gave up immediately because I always believed I am simply not a visual or creative person.

Then I read the book Moonwalking With Einstein, about a guy with basically the same beliefs that challenged it, learned the skill through practice and won the world memory championships.

I immediately started practicing it, even tho it took months I got it and it’s still one of the most valuable skills I learnt. Not only because of what it did for my studies but because of what it did for my mindset.

I now fully believe that with the right effort and focus that I can learn anything and never shy away from a challenge.

Even creativity can be learned.

That lesson led me to build a social media network of 700k followers and ace all my exams.

Growth mindset is crucial.

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